Concord Tower - 10th Floor - Dubai Media City - Dubai - UAE
+971 04 3842700


AUTOMATION, ELECTRIFICATION, and Instrumentations Solutions

By using the most modern, innovative control and software components, we reduce the system-related operating costs to a considerable extent while at the same time increasing productivity. We achieve this result through the application and combination of various innovative technologies.

We help our customers to improve their operations in strong competition and demanding conditions. We offer advanced service for the entire life cycle of an automation & Electrification investment – from pre-planning to maintenance and modernizations, both as total deliveries and as separate services.

Whether a PLC or DCS-based Process Control System, Tarqeem can provide a reliable solution through different industrial and commercial sectors and applications.

The interaction between the operator and the control system is essential to ensure that that the right choices are made. We develop the system to presents the most relevant information depending on the operating situation, so that the operator can take the best possible choices. The most important parameters are uptime, reduced product waste, and minimized consumption of energy.

We can bring different systems and protocols together into a cohesive solution. We convert information from plant instrument systems into meaningful reports and alarms, which can make a significant difference to Plant Availability and Production Performance.

With decades of strong experience in the process of :

energy production and distribution
water supply automation
Pulp & Paper
Food & Beverage
Chemicals industries

We believe the solution should be usable everyday at work, easy to use and provide value

Our strengths are competent personnel, reliability, and flexibility. We manage both small projects and large investment projects flexibly and with suitable resources.
Our services cover new and upgrade projects from pre-planning to commissioning. In addition to planning, we offer expert project management and installation supervision services.
Our reliable deliveries and extensive experience with several different delivery systems cover the needs from the delivery of individual components to the design and implementation of the entire factory Electrification & Automation system.
We are your partner in preparing field instrumentation plans, operational descriptions, and documentation for the production plant.
Device selection and connection to the process is of the greatest importance to how good the measurement result of the process state or the control response to it is obtained. We choose the most suitable measurement technical solutions and make a comprehensive procurement specification.
We serve in all areas of electrical systems, both in the electrification of processes and buildings. Power supply, distribution, motor control, solar, and related electrical systems for different industrial and commercial sectors.
We understand your needs and provide electrical and power solutions alongside its automation and control solutions for a comprehensive project delivery experience through the entire region.
We can deploy fully integrated electrical systems with power distribution, MCC/Switchgears, UPS, and power management workstations.

Tarqeem is your reliable and expert partner in planning automation, instrumentation and electrification solutions.

Automation design that considers the needs of the customer, installation and end users

we will take care of the optimisation and development of automation, electrification and instrumentation solutions.


We offer cabinet manufacturing services with Precision and Quality, covering automation and logic cabinets, control and engine cabinets, control desks and cabinets.

We serve customers across Middel East and Africa. Our office in Dubai and co-partners in Saudi and Egypt .

Tarqeem offers a continuously developing range of solutions, systems and products that are based on its customers’ needs and support them in the monitoring and maintenance of their plants’ productivity and other key aspects. Our solutions help customers collect, combine and analyse data, which makes it easier for them to predict and optimise costs related to maintenance. Our solutions also serve as communication and documentation tools for maintenance services.


Digitalization involves leadership, people, business, and processes. Technology is only an enabler. Business goals are reached when technology is used to automate manual work, and to create new business based on data.

Leveraging your data to achieve operational excellence

Tarqeem digital solutions can help you achieve maximum value from your existing data, assets, and personnel with reduced operating
costs and better security. We offer specialized services and applications that facilitate the transition into Industry 4.0 by providing OT cybersecurity, enterprise data management for decision support, and transforming field operations
Digitalization consultation for management RECOGNIZE THE VALUE OF DIGITALIZATION Cyber security
We will help you recognize the potential of technology in your business. The goal is to conceive how modern technology enables more revenue or fewer costs.
Digitalization produces value when technology is merged with business and operations. We will help you discover new revenue streams or ways to reduce costs by harnessing modern technology.

Digitalization produces value when manual work is automated, new business models are created, or when data-driven leadership is enabled.

Performance and operations optimization solutions for different applications ranging from alarm management to advanced process control and condition-based maintenance Advanced software solutions for managing digital operations and optimizing performance for applications ranging from alarm management and condition monitoring to facility management We&ll provide an expert opinion and an actionable plan for all phases of your digitalization journey.
A modern industrial automation system includes many types of automation protocols and connectivity solutions, and also needs to be connected to the world outside the factory network. A wide range of devices are also involved, and their needs must be kno]wn. Industrial cyber security protects the devices and networks in an automation system, taking their special features into account effectively and proportionately to the risk. We know how to scale cyber security to the needs of each organisation and technology. This also produces the most cost-effective solution.

We always take cyber security considerations into account and cooperate with other leading expert organisations in security.

We continuously follow and respond to trends in the field. We provide our customers with training and help them find their optimal information security practices, solutions, and services.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)