Concord Tower - 10th Floor - Dubai Media City - Dubai - UAE
+971 04 3842700



Electrical, Instrumentation and Automation Installation Services

We take care of process electrification and instrumentation installations with high quality and expertise.
In addition to automation, instrumentation and electrification installations, our services include commissioning and testing, installation supervision, maintenance, and control cabinets and field cabinets produced by our cabinet manufacturing unit.

Field Services

We offer cabinet manufacturing services with Precision and Quality, covering automation and logic cabinets, control and engine cabinets, control desks and cabinets.

Services offering:

Installations & Commissioning
Retrofit and upgrading
Resident Operations & Maintenance
On-Call Operations & Maintenance
Vibration analysis
Remote Operations & Maintenance
Maintenance Audit, survey, and troubleshooting.

We take the requirements of our customers’ operating environments into account, along with efficient maintenance and life-cycle planning.

We also offer extensive services for the life-cycle planning, management and intelligent maintenance of electrical automation systems in plants.

Maintenance and Life-Cycle Services

Preventive maintenance in accordance with a life-cycle plan ensures operational reliability in production and extends useful life.
We serve our customers in the life-cycle planning of production plants, automation systems and electrical automation equipment and in the implementation of life-cycle services. Our services ensure the functionality of equipment and systems without unexpected interruptions in production, even in demanding circumstances.
Our maintenance and life-cycle services ensure that our customers' electrical automation equipment and systems stay functional even in demanding conditions without unplanned outages.
As our maintenance contract customer, you will be provided with 24/7 on-call service and remote access services, as well as documentation management and spare part services.
We also offer customer-specific maintenance services, for Electrical systems and equipment., drives, instrumentation and valves, control systems, in cooperation with our network of reliable partners.

Electrical Distribution Service

We carry out the renewals, preventive maintenance, and repairs for electrical automation equipment and systems, by providing maintenance, repair and testing services for electrical distribution equipment, drives, control systems, instrumentations and valves.

Trusted Partner

We are brand-independent, and operate flexibly and cost-effectively. Our range of services extends from maintenance, repair and installation work through measurements and analyses to the engineering of new equipment. We ensure the continuity of our customers’ operations by keeping the interruptions necessary for maintenance measures as short as possible.

Intelligent Maintenance and Process Control Solutions

We provide constantly evolving software, systems, and products to support customers in monitoring and maintaining factory productivity and other key factors.

Tarqeem support customers in the monitoring and maintenance of their plants’ productivity and other key aspects. Our Service solutions help customers collect, combine and analyse data, which makes it easier for them to predict and optimise costs related to maintenance. Our solutions also serve as communication and documentation tools for maintenance services.

real-time monitoring for contract maintenance

We help our customers to understand their maintenance needs in advance. We make it possible to monitor your assets in real time and store equipment- specific documents, such as maintenance records, drawings and software, for future reference.

Get technical resolution for running errors and application breakdowns, as well as remote support for maintenance, backup, configuration, and other routine tasks

Drive Services

Upgrade and retrofit services
site management
Remote services

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)